
Welcome to Beer Insider – the sister site to Retail Insider.

There are lots of websites and blogs devoted to beer so the idea here is to be a little bit different and provide a platform not only for my voice but also a variety of other individuals.

The mix includes bar owners, brewers, beer writers, bottle shops and pure-and-simple beer lovers.

It’s all about presenting the views, insights and opinions of people within the interesting area of beer and pubs. We are taking a look behind the obvious and hope to shine a light on the nooks and crannies of the beer world that you’d maybe not thought about or considered. There will also be words that simply celebrate beer and pubs.

It combines chatty with a business-like tone that it is hoped delivers a tasty proposition. We hope you find the site insightful and of course enjoyable. We’d like to here from you with any thoughts and opinions (email glynn@busicomm.co.uk).

But for now please sign-up as a (free) subscriber to receive the latest posts on the site delivered straight to your inbox.

Glynn Davis, editor

About the editor

Business writer covering both the world’s of retail and beer & pubs. Currently contributing words to Publicans’ Morning Advertiser, BEER magazine, What’s Brewing, FT, Harpers Wine & Spirits and editor of Retail Insider.

Former judge of the Publicans’ Morning Advertiser Awards, currently judge of numerous beer awards including the International Beer Challenge and supermarket bottled beer competitions.